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SanitaryNapkins Manufacturing Business
Many people dont realize that more than 3 billionsanitary napkins are used every yearand that means a lot of opportunities forthose who can meet customers needs on a local level. Sanitary napkin is asingle-use pad of material used by women during menstruation. Disposablesanitary napkins are generally made of absorbent cellulose pulp or nonwovenfabrics like rayon or cotton.
Market Demand
Demand for sanitary napkins will rise withincreasing awareness about their uses in womens hygiene. There has been ashift from reusable products toward disposable ones. Increased usage ofsanitary napkins has been stimulated by population growth as well as risingdisposable incomes.
Baby Diaperand Adult Diapers Manufacturing Unit
A diaper is a type of underwear used by infantsand young children who are not yet potty trained or who need protection againsturinary or fecal incontinence or by adults with medical conditions that causethem to become incontinent. There are 2 types of diapers- Cloth Diapers orDisposable Diapers based on their usability. The disposable diapers are verypopular in todays era as they can be thrown away after use.
Market Demand
The demand for such products is huge and its notgoing anywhere anytime soon, especially with newborn birth rates predicted tostay steady for at least another decade. This means that there is a huge marketopportunity for you if you decide that you want to be part of it.
The global Adult Diaper Market is also growing ata CAGR of 5.7%. The rising healthcare costs in developed countries is one ofthe factors driving growth in demand for adult diapers. With elderlypopulations rising steadily, healthcare facilities are focusing on providingcost-effective care with minimum disruption to patients daily routines.
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