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India is one of the world'slargest battery manufacturers. Furthermore, there is an increase in globaldemand for batteries, and Indian battery producers are preparing to satisfythis need. The Indian battery sector has grown by 25% year over year and is expectedto increase even more in the future. Batteries, such as Sealed Maintenance Free(SMF), lead-acid, or lithium-ion batteries, now power virtually everything elseon the world.
The global battery market wasworth USD 108.4 billion and is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 14.1%. Theincreasing demand from the automotive application is responsible for themarket's rise. Rechargeable batteries are utilised in non-rechargeablebatteries and electric vehicles in the automobile industry. The rising global popularityof consumer electronics is expected to increase the use of lithium-ionbatteries as a product category. Portable electronics, such as LCD displays,smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices like fitness bands, are in highdemand, increasing market growth. Because of technical developments in terms ofincreased efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and product innovation, the market ispredicted to rise significantly. Battery demand is likely to be driven bystrict emission requirements imposed by government agencies in industrializedcountries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as anincreasing focus on fuel efficiency.
The demand for lithium-ionbatteries is predicted to increase by more than 500 percent in the future. Manypredictions suggest that demand will outpace supply, virtually assuring a priceincrease. All of the businesses in this field have unique opportunities toinvest in the future of energy storage and transportation.
The global lithium-ion batterymarket size was valued at USD 53.6 billion and is expected to grow at acompound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.0%. The market's expansion can beascribed to the rising demand for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles(EVs) and grid storage, since they provide high-energy density and lightweightsolutions. The market size is expected to grow due to an increase in theregistration of electric vehicles.
The global leadâacid batteryindustry is growing significantly across the globe and it is likely to registera CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period. Growing SLI applications in theautomobile sector, increase in renewable energy output, and rising demand forenergy storage devices are some of the causes driving up demand for leadâacidbatteries. As the telecom industry expands in nations like the United States,Brazil, India, and the United Kingdom, there is a growing demand for UPSsystems as a backup power source, resulting in a higher usage of leadâacidbatteries as a cost-effective energy source.
The book coversa wide range of topics connected to Batteries, as well as their manufacturingprocesses. It also includes contact information for machinery suppliers, aswell as images of equipments.
A completeguide on Production, Recycling of Lithium Ion and Lead-Acid Batteriesmanufacture and entrepreneurship. This book serves as a one-stop shop foreverything you need to know about the Battery manufacturing industry, which isripe with opportunity for manufacturers, merchants, and entrepreneurs. This isthe only book that covers Production, Recycling of Lithium Ion and Lead-AcidBatteries in depth. From concept through equipment procurement, it is averitable feast of how-to information.