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Biogastypically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organicmatter in the absence of oxygen. Organic waste such as dead plant and animalmaterial, animal dung, and kitchen waste can be converted into a gaseous fuelcalled Biogas. Biogas is basically a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide; itoriginates from biogenic material and is a type of bio fuel. It is a low costform of energy derived from renewable waste resources animal manures,agricultural residues, industrial wastewater, human waste and other organicmaterials. Biogas has been used widely as a source of energy and wastetreatment, and as liquid fertiliser for soil enhancement, since long time.Digestion the underlying biological process of Bio Gas technology leads to arenewable energy service that ensures a distributed energy production, in whichthe energy is produced at the point of consumption or demand. A Biogasdigester, which produces the Bio Gas, also provides an excellent agriculturalwaste management solution, most notably animal manures. Also, capturing methanegenerated in a Biogas digester has an immensely important role to play withrespect to rural energisation, poverty alleviation and development, increasedindustrial and agricultural efficiency and competitiveness, and improvedmanagement of our greenhouse gas emissions. The major applications of Bio Gasare as fertilizer, fuel gas, methane production, mechanical and electricalpower production, diesel engine operation, etc. Biogas technology is one of thefastest growing renewable energy sectors worldwide, with the annual marketgrowth exceeding 30% each year.
The book contains technology of Biogas generation with its applications.This book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, consultants,entrepreneurs, institutional libraries, students etc.